Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Total Hardness of given water sample कठोरता

                                 उद्देश्य: दिए गए पानी के नमूनों की कुल कठोरता का निर्धारण करें।


 पानी में कठोरता कैल्शियम और मैग्नीशियम के घुले हुए लवणों की उपस्थिति के कारण होती है। 

यह पीने, नहाने, धोने के लिए अनुपयुक्त है और यह बॉयलर में स्केल भी बनाता है। 

इसलिए पानी के नमूने में मौजूद कठोरता पैदा करने वाले पदार्थों की मात्रा का अनुमान लगाना आवश्यक है। 

एक बार इसका अनुमान लगाने के बाद, पानी के उपचार के लिए आवश्यक रसायनों की मात्रा की गणना की जा सकती है। कठोरता का अनुमान कॉम्प्लेक्सोमेट्रिक अनुमापन पर आधारित है। पानी की कठोरता एथिलीन डायमाइन टेट्रा एसिटिक एसिड (EDTA) के एक मानक घोल के साथ अनुमापन करके निर्धारित की जाती है जो एक जटिल एजेंट है।

चूंकि EDTA पानी में अघुलनशील है, इसलिए इस प्रयोग के लिए EDTA का डिसोडियम नमक लिया जाता है।

EDTA एक ​​धातु आयन के साथ चार या छह समन्वय बंधन बना सकता है। 

पानी में दो प्रकार की कठोरता मौजूद होती है, पहली अस्थायी कठोरता और दूसरी स्थायी कठोरता। 

अस्थायी कठोरता कैल्शियम और मैग्नीशियम आयनों के बाइकार्बोनेट की उपस्थिति के कारण होती है। 

इसे उबालकर आसानी से हटाया जा सकता है। स्थायी कठोरता कैल्शियम और मैग्नीशियम आयनों के 

क्लोराइड और सल्फेट की उपस्थिति के कारण होती है। इस प्रकार की कठोरता को उबालकर नहीं हटाया जा सकता। आवश्यकताएँ: 

पानी का नमूना ब्यूरेट 25-30 मिली ग्लास कीप पिपेट 

1 मिली फ्लास्क ड्रॉपर मापने वाला सिलेंडर 

अभिकर्मक: EDTA, एरियोक्रोम ब्लैक-टी,

 NH2CL, अमोनिया बफर, मैग्नीशियम कार्बोनेट, 90% एथिल अल्कोहल, आसुत जल। 

अभिकर्मक तैयारी: 1. EDTA घोल: 4 ग्राम EDTA और 0.1 ग्राम मैग्नीशियम बाइकार्बोनेट 800 मिली आसुत जल में घोलें। 

2. एरिओक्रोम ब्लैक-टी: 0.4 ग्राम एरिक्रोम ब्लैक टी, 4.5 ग्राम हाइड्रॉक्सिलमाइन हाइड्रोक्लोराइड को 100 मिली 95% एथिल अल्कोहल में मिलाएं। 

3. अमोनिया बफर: स्टॉक ए: 143 मिली सांद्र NH4OH में 16.9 ग्राम NH4CL, 

स्टॉक बी: 50 मिली आसुत जल में 1.25 ग्राम EDTA का मैग्नीशियम नमक घोलें। 

दोनों स्टॉक घोल को मिलाएं और DDW के साथ 250 मिली तक पतला करें। 

10 मिली घोल को DDW के साथ 100 मिली तक पतला करें। 


1. ब्यूरेट को मानक EDTA घोल से शून्य स्तर तक भरा जाता है। 

2. फ्लास्क में 50 मिली सैंपल पानी लें। 

यदि सैंपल में कैल्शियम की मात्रा अधिक है तो कम मात्रा लें और 50 मिली तक पतला करें। 

3. 1 मिली अमोनिया बफर डालें। 

4. एरिक्रोम ब्लैक-टी इंडिकेटर की 5 से 6 बूंदें डालें। घोल वाइन लाल रंग में बदल जाता है। 

5. शुरुआती रीडिंग नोट करें। 

6. EDTA घोल के खिलाफ सामग्री का अनुमापन करें। अंतिम बिंदु पर रंग वाइन लाल से नीले रंग में बदल जाता है।

7. अंतिम रीडिंग नोट करें और इसे रिकॉर्ड करें। प्रक्रिया को तब तक दोहराएं जब तक हमें समवर्ती मूल्य न मिल जाए। 

8. दूसरे फ्लास्क में 50 मिली सैंपल लें और इसे उबालें। (पानी की अंतिम मात्रा प्राप्त करने के लिए आसुत जल डालें।)

9. चरण 3-7 दोहराएं। गणना: क्र. पानी का नमूना (50 मि.ली.)

प्रारंभिक मूल्य

अंतिम मूल्य EDTA का मि.ली.




पानी की कुल कठोरता mg/L (CaCO3 स्केल) = उपयोग किए गए EDTA का मि.ली. (बिना उबाले) *103

/नमूने का मि.ली.

पानी की स्थायी कठोरता mg/L (CaCO3 स्केल) = उपयोग किए गए EDTA का मि.ली.

(उबला हुआ)/नमूने का मि.ली.

पानी की अस्थायी कठोरता mg/L (CaCO3 स्केल) = पानी की कुल कठोरता -पानी की स्थायी कठोरता


घुलनशील आसुत जल और R.O पानी का रंग तुरंत नीला हो गया, जबकि नल का पानी और तालाब का पानी एरिक्रोम ब्लैक टी मिलाने पर वाइन रेड हो गया और इसलिए EDTA घोल के साथ अनुमापन करने पर नीला हो गया।


एकत्रित जल के नमूने में कुल कठोरता = _____ppm

स्थायी कठोरता = _____ppm

अस्थायी कठोरता = _____ppm

Total Hardness of given water sample

 Object: Determine the total hardness of given water samples.


Hardness in water is due to the presence of dissolved salts of calcium and  magnesium.

It is unfit for drinking, bathing, washing and it also forms scales in


Hence it is necessary to estimate the amount of hardness producing

substances present in the water sample. 

Once it is estimated, the amount of chemicals

required for the treatment of water can be calculated. 

The estimation of hardness is

based on complexometric titration. 

Hardness of water is determined by titrating with

a standard solution of ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) which is a

complexing agent. 

Since EDTA is insoluble in water, the disodium salt of EDTA is

taken for this experiment. 

EDTA can form four or six coordination bonds with a 

metal ion. 

Two type of hardness is present in water 

first is temporary hardness and

second is permanent hardness. 

Temporary hardness is due to the presence of

bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium ions. 

It can be easily removed by boiling.

Permanent hardness is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of calcium and

magnesium ions. 

This type of hardness cannot be removed by boiling.


Water sample

Burette 25-30ml

Glass funnel

Pipette 1ml



Measuring cylinder

Reagents: EDTA, Eriochrome Black-T, NH2CL, Ammonia Buffer, Magnesium

Carbonate, 90% ethyl alcohol, Distilled water.

Reagent preparation: 

1. EDTA solution: 4gm EDTA and 0.1gm magnesium bicarbonate dissolve in

800 ml distilled water.

2. Eriochrome Black-T: 0.4gm Ericrome Black T, 4.5 gm hydroxylmine

hydrochloride add in 100ml 95% ethyl alcohol.

3. Ammonia Buffer: Stock A: 16.9gm of NH4CL in 143ml of conc. NH4OH,

Stock B: 1.25gm magnesium salt of EDTA dissolve in 50 ml distilled water.

Mix both stock solutions and dilute to 250ml with DDW. Dilute 10ml of the

solution to 100ml with DDW.


1. The burette is filled with standard EDTA solution to the zero level.

2. Take 50ml sample water in flask. If sample having high Calcium content then

take smaller volume and dilute to 50ml.

3. Add 1ml Ammonia buffer.

4. Add 5 to 6 drop of Ericrome black – T indicator. The solution turns into wine

red colour.

5. Note the initial reading.

6. Titrate the content against EDTA solution. At the end point colour change

from wine red to blue colour. 

7. Note the final reading and record it. Repeat the process till we get concordant


8. Take 50ml sample in another flask and boiled it. (Add distilled water to get

final volume of water.)

9. Repeat step 3-7.


S.No. Water sample (50ml)

Initial Value

Final Value Ml of EDTA




Total hardness of water mg/L (CaCO3 Scale) = ml of EDTA used (unboiled) *103

/ml of sample                                 

Permanent hardness of water mg/L (CaCO3 Scale) = ml of EDTA used (boiled)

*103 /ml of sample      

Temporary hardness of water mg/L (CaCO3 Scale) = Total hardness of water -

Permanent hardness of water


The colour of soluble distilled water and R.O water

instantly changed into blue while tap water and pond

water turned wine red when Ericrome black T was added

and therefore after turned blue when titrated against

EDTA solution.


The collected water sample contains Total hardness = _____ppm

Permanent hardness = _____ppm

Temporary hardness = _____ppm

Sunday, 20 October 2024

Identify different types of materials and their basic properties

 Identify different types of materials and their basic properties

The knowledge of different types of materials allows for the comparison of everyday materials, for example, different types of wood, rock, metal, paper, and plastic, according to their properties. The properties of material include hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour.

Materials can be classified into four main groups: metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Metals are materials on the left side of the periodic table of chemistry and include ferrous metals that have iron inside them (including steel) and nonferrous metals that don't.

The material properties are assigned to a region comprising cells or elements based on the material type associated with that region. Some of the typical material properties include thermal conductivity, enthalpy, emissivity, viscosity. Some of these properties could be functions of temperature or composition.

By looking at the structure of the elemental constituents in a sample, material identification verifies material type by comparing differences in composition that define the specific types of materials being analyzed. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) offers a non-destructive means for material identification.

Hardness: Some materials are hard, while others are soft. Solubility: Materials can dissolve in water or other solvents. Transparency: Materials can be transparent, translucent, or opaque. Conductivity: Some materials conduct electricity, while others do not

                                                      4 TYPES MATERIAL’S PPROPERTIES


Material properties are important, as they dictate how substances behave under different forces and environmental conditions. These properties encompass mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical characteristics, which are crucial for selecting suitable materials across various industries.


  • Materials: They're made with wood, often manufactured, or other combustible materials in the walls and roof.

Strengths: Larger beams offer structural support that helps prevent building collapse, and interioClasses of Materials


Common Properties


Hard, ductile and conduct heat and electricity


Widely variable, often soft and flexible


Hard, brittle, resistant to corrosion, electrically non-conductive

platforms often prevent the fire from spreading vertically




An Introduction to Different Types of Material


An Introduction to Different Types of Material

There are many types of materials that are most commonly used in daily life. The knowledge of different types of materials allows for the comparison of everyday materials, for example, different types of wood, rock, metal, paper, and plastic, according to their properties. 

The properties of material include hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour. Different types of material and their properties can be used in the making of many different objects which can be used in day-to-day life. For instance, the hardness of iron, ductility of gold, and silver, the conductivity of copper etc. Let us learn more about such materials and their properties ahead.


Different Types of Materials 


A biomaterial is any substance that can be engineered for interaction with biological systems for a medical purpose. For example, they are used for therapeutic purposes, i.e. to treat, augment, repair or replace a tissue function of the body or a diagnostic one. The study of biomaterials is known as biomaterials science or biomaterials engineering. Biomaterials science encompasses the elements of medicine, biology, chemistry, tissue engineering and materials science.



Ceramic is a non-metallic material made up of inorganic molecules. The ceramic is normally prepared by heating a powder or slurry.  So many common ceramics are made up of oxides or nitride compounds, high in a crystalline form with long-range molecular order.  The ceramics are halfway or fully amorphous and with no long-range molecular order. These are typically classified into glassy materials.



The metals are malleable comparatively. The metals are optically reflective and electrically conductive. Mostly the metals and alloys can be easily shaped by forming. The metals disassociate electron bonding and make them good conductors of electricity and heat. Each metal has an orderly arrangement of atoms, resulting in a crystalline structure that may have multiple crystal phases bordering each other.



The nanomaterial is defined as the material with any external dimension in the nanoscale or having an internal structure or surface structure in the nanoscale. The nanoscale is defined as the length range, approximately from 1 nm to 100 nm. This includes both nano-objects and nanostructured materials. 


The nanomaterials are discrete pieces of material, and the nanostructured material has an internal or surface structure on the nanoscale. The nanomaterial can be a member of both these categories.



Wood is called a composite material. It is made from lignin and cellulose. It uses a lignin matrix and cellulose fibre to form a polymer composite. The lignin helps to hold the cellulose compressively in place so that the cellulose fibre can carry the tensile loads. Wood has excellent structural properties in light of its low weight and high strength.




Different Types of Materials


Different Types of Materials and Their Properties

Materials can also be explained based on their properties. It is important to understand the material's properties to decide whether the material is suitable for its use.  When we talk about a material's properties, we mention the features we can sense, measure or test. For example, if we have any kind of sample of metal in front of us, we can identify what the colour of that material is, whether it is hard or shiny. 


Testing the materials shows that they can conduct heat and electricity and that they will react with an acid. These are some properties of metals, which enable us to identify them.


                         Image Showing Properties of Different Materials

                             Physical and Chemical Properties

Almost all materials contain physical properties. A physical property is a property that a person can measure without changing the material. Examples of physical properties are colour, amount, hardness, and temperature.


Similarly, materials also have chemical properties. A chemical property tells us how a material will change into a different substance under specific conditions. For example, some metals rust if they are kept out in the rain. Paper and wood burn to ashes if they come in contact with the flame.



Any type of substance used to make something is known as material. For example, the school desk can be prepared from wood, plastic, or metal or a mixture of all three materials. When any kind of object is designed and made, it is very important to choose the best material for the job. Materials have certain qualities or properties. For example, the properties of materials include strength, colour, and hardness, which must be considered carefully. Some other factors, such as cost and availability, are also important.

Thursday, 1 August 2024










Workability of Concrete With Mixing Procedure in Detail




Workability of Concrete.ppt


Difference Between Shallow & deep foundations -Hindi

  Difference Between Shallow & deep foundations -Hindi   उथली और गहरी नींव के बीच अंतरसंरचनाओं की दुनिया में , नींव हमारे बुनियादी ढ...