Sunday, 20 June 2021

Need for Maintenance {ENGLISH }

. I Need for Maintenance I. Importance and significance of repair and maintenance of buildings A} As a conclusion, maintenance and repair is very crucial part in every life of the building. The building maintenance practice is needed in every development. It is because the building needs to be well maintained in order to retain the value of the property itself. B} As a conclusion, maintenance and repair is very crucial part in every life of the building. The building maintenance practice is needed in every development. It is because the building needs to be well maintained in order to retain the value of the property itself. C} Servicing is a very important aspect of the building. Due to servicing the building or a structure, it can be kept in a proper working condition. Servicing is the activity which is required for maintaining the supply of water, electricity, plumbing and cleaning the building and the surrounding area. D} But proper and consistent building maintenance is imperative for a number of reasons. Buildings inherently function less effectively over time due to natural causes such as climate, daily occupant use, mechanical obsolescence, and more 2 Meaning of maintenance A} It encompasses a great deal of “behind the scenes” work to ensure that a facility or building remains functional and comfortable for its users. Building maintenance includes cleaning common areas, removing trash regularly, and repairing items that are broken. B} Moreover, the Committee on Maintenance under Government of India defined maintenance as: “Building maintenance is work undertaken to keep, restore or improve every facility, i.e., every part of a building, its services and surrounds to a currently acceptable standard and to sustain the utility and value of the facility.” C} This includes PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE for buildings, structures, and installed building equipment (IBE) as recommended by the manufacturer. It also includes engineering and/or contracted Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services that support planning, design, and execution of maintenance activities. D} Maintenance is the process of ensuring that buildings and other assets retain a good appearance and operate at optimum efficiency. Inadequate maintenance can result in decay, degradation and reduced performance and can affect heath and threaten the safety of users, occupants and others in the vicinity. 3 Objectives of maintenance A} The following are some of the objectives of maintenance management: I. Minimizing the loss of productive time because of equipment failure (i.e. minimizing idle time of equipment due to break down). II. Minimizing the repair time and repair cost. B} Improvement maintenance is frequently identified as an ever present objective in buildings (introduction of energy saving equipment, improving accesses for maintenance, monitoring equipment and the like). C} Building maintenance is work undertaken to keep, restore or improve every part of a building, its services to a currently acceptable standard and to sustain the utility and value of the facility. (i) To preserve machinery, building and services, in good operating condition. 4. Factors influencing the repair and maintenance A} Errors, oversights, lack of care and fallibility of people that initiate, design, construct and maintain buildings, accentuated by their educational, practice and commercial environment are the main factors affecting defects of building. B} Stressed maintenance is required because of the building could not withstand the defects effects of the weather and age factors [2]. Although the building is a capital asset of the organization, instead of building owners assume maintenance of the building as a vain liability and not a priority. C} There are a number of factors such as strength, durability, thermal coefficient of thermal expansion, permeability, low dry shrinkage, chemical and electrical properties, curing, and cost that must be considered to select the most appropriate, compatible, cost-effective repair materials 5} Agencies Causing Deterioration (Sources, Causes, Effects) A}Factors of Deterioration in Building and the Principles of Repair Anybody who has owned property recognized that buildings are frequently subject to numerous forms of building defect, regularly in the form of dampness, wall cracks or even a water penetration to the building B} Causes of Deterioration and Defects According to Barry A Richardson, 1991 there are six factors that affect building deterioration if no remedial action takes place. The factors are: 2.1 Mechanical Agents These agents impose a physical force on a building. C} The followings all contribute to the occurrence of defects in buildings: The large varieties of building materials used that may Table: 1 Common building defects and their symptoms Common Defects Symptoms/Phenomenon Possible Causes i. Defective concrete, spalling or loose plaster in ceilings D} The factors are:- Mechanical Agents These agents impose a physical force on a building. They maybe static and permanent such as ground pressure, or static and temporary such as a snow load.

Sunday, 6 June 2021

PROJECT WORK wef 2020-

                             PROJECT WORK


 Project Work aims at developing innovative skills in the students whereby they apply in totality the knowledge and skills gained through the course work in the solution of particular problem or by undertaking a project. In addition, the project work is intended to place students for project oriented practical training in actual work situation for the stipulated period. LEARNING OUTCOMES After undergoing the project work, students will be able to: Apply in totality the knowledge and skills gained through the course work in the solution of particular problem or by undertaking a project. In addition, the project work is intended to place the learner for project oriented practical training in actual work situation for the stipulated period with a view to:

• Develop understanding regarding the size and scale of operations and nature of field[1]work in which students are going to play their role after completing the courses of study

• Develop understanding of subject based knowledge given in the classroom in the context of its application at work places.

• Develop firsthand experience and confidence amongst the students to enable them to use and apply polytechnic/institute based knowledge and skills to solve practical problems related to the world of work.

• Develop abilities like interpersonal skills, communication skills, positive attitudes and values etc.

  General Guidelines

The individual students have different aptitudes and strengths. Project work, therefore, should match the strengths of students. For this purpose, students should be asked to identify the type of project work, they would like to execute. The activity of problem identification should begin well in advance (say at the end of second year). Students should be allotted a problem of interest to him/her as a major project work. It is also essential that the faculty of the respective department may have a brainstorming session to identify suitable project assignments for their students. The project assignment can be individual assignment or a group assignment. There should not be more than 3 students if the project work is given to a group. The project work identified in collaboration with industry should be preferred. This practical training cum project work should not be considered as merely conventional industrial training in which students are sent at work places with either minimal or no supervision. This experience is required to be planned in advance and supervised on regular basis by the polytechnic faculty. For the fulfillment of above objectives, polytechnics may establish close linkage with 8-10 relevant organization for providing such an experience to students. It is necessary that each organization is visited well in advance and activities to be performed by students are well defined. The chosen activities should be such that it matches with the curricular interest to students and of professional value to industrial/ field organizations. Each teacher is expected to supervise and guide 5-6 students.

   Some of the projects are listed below for the benefit of the students:

1. Study and detailed estimate of different component of modern residential and commercial building

2. Preparation of detailed estimate for low cost two room set residential building

3. Review/ and existing for various parameters as per green building, Raling system building

4. Design of rain water harvesting for a given building

5. Analysis of accidents prone area in your city and remedial measure for them

6. Case study of safety practices in a multi-storied buildings under constructions

7. Concrete Mix Design

 8. Case study of repair and maintenance of a given building

9. Preparation of DNIT of a given building for Civil Engineering works

 10. Detailed estimate for installing plumbing fixtures

11. Preparing a standard measurement book of a given building

12. Construction of concrete road by using latest techniques

13. Water supply scheme for a govt approved colony

14. Construction estimates of shopping complex

15. Analysis and design of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) for an industry

16. Design of soak pit with septic tank for 100 users

17. Design and estimate of two room set building

18. Design of concrete mix by using flyash

19. Study of setting up of an interlocking pavers fabrication plant

20. Preparation of different Civil Engineering models e.g. beam, one way, two way slab, column etc.

21. Reinforcement detailing as per IS:13920

22. Design of car parking in your polytechnic

23. To prepare analysis of rates for non -schedule items e.g. aluminium door, windows, work stations etc.

24. Study of retrofitting of a given Civil Engineering works.

25. Survey of your polytechnic by using total station. 26. Traffic volume study and analysis on different roads in a city

27. Case study of a flyover with regard to its various construction components

28. Study and preparation of detailed project report of ready mix concrete (RMC) unit

 29. Study and preparation of detailed project report of prefabricated/prestressed concrete components unit

31. Construction of a small concrete road consisting of following activities - Survey and preparation of site plan - Preparation of drawings i.e. L-Section and X-Section - Estimating earth work - Preparation of sub grade with stone ballast - Laying of concrete - Testing of slump, casting of cubes and testing - Material estimating and costing with specifications - Technical report writin

 32. Water Supply system for a locality - Surveying - Design of water requirements and water distribution system - Preparation of drawing of overhead tank - Material estimating and costing - Specifications - Technical report writing

33. Construction of shopping complex by detailing of RCC drawings, estimating and costing of material 34. Design of small residential building including structural members, specifications, estimating and costing of materials, report writing and municipal drawings for water supply and sewerage system There is no binding to take up the above projects as it is only a suggestive list of projects.

A suggestive criterion for assessing student performance by the external (person from industry) and internal (teacher) examiner is given in table below:

The overall grading of the practical training shall be made as per following table.

 In order to qualify for the diploma, students must get “Overall Good grade” failing which the students may be given one more chance to improve and re-evaluate before being disqualified and declared “not eligible to receive diploma ”. It is also important to note that the students must get more than six “goods” or above “good” grade in different performance criteria items in order to get “Overall Good” grade. 





                                         Range of maximum marks                           Overall grade

 i)                                         More than 80                                                      Excellent


ii)                                                  79 <> 65                                                    Very good


iii)                                                 64 <> 50                                                            Good


iv)                                                49 <> 40                                                                Fair


v)                                           Less than 40                                                              Poor

                               Important Notes

1. This criteria must be followed by the internal and external examiner and they should see the daily, weekly and monthly reports while awarding marks as per the above criteria.

2. The criteria for evaluation of the students have been worked out for 200 maximum marks. The internal and external examiners will evaluate students separately and give marks as per the study and evaluation scheme of examination.

3. The external examiner, preferably, a person from industry/organization, who has been associated with the project-oriented professional training of the students, should evaluate the students performance as per the above criteria.

 4. It is also proposed that two students or two projects which are rated best be given merit certificate at the time of annual day of the institute. It would be better if specific nearby industries are approached for instituting such awards


The teachers are free to evolve other criteria of assessment, depending upon the type of project work.

 It is proposed that the institute may organize an annual exhibition of the project work

                                            THANK YOU 


                              MY BEST WISHE'S


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